November 2021 Newsletter
The Votes are In! Congratulations to Lois Bendix and Laine Yandell on their re-election to the board of directors! Click the link to learn more about them and the rest of your board.
Did you miss the annual meeting?
Get the details in the annual report, available on our website:
In honor of Native American Heritage Month, we invite you to read this 2016 article from MPR News for an introduction to the history of Ojibwe treaties in northern Minnesota:
FRFC Book Club
We're very excited for the latest book selection, which comes highly recommended by many:
"Braiding Sweetgrass:
Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants"
by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Book club is open to everyone! Meeting date TBD. Email Kari for more information:
Listening Sessions:
Join on Zoom during the half hour before all board meetings to chat with directors, learn more about the cooperative, and share your thoughts. (Listening sessions prior to board meetings only. All owners are encouraged to join any board meeting or work session.)
This month's work session is on Tuesday, November 2nd, 6:00-7:30pm. Open to everyone! Click to join via Zoom:
This month's board meeting is on Tuesday, November 16th, 6:00-7:30pm with listening session at 5:30pm. Open to everyone! Click to join via Zoom:
Grand Rapids Farmer's Market
Online ordering for in-person pick up is available for the winter season! Visit their website for more details and to place an order: