December 2021 Newsletter

From the Board:
We hired our Capital Campaign Consultant!
Yes! The cooperative is making progress towards opening a store location by preparing for the Capital Campaign and beginning work with consultant Katie Novak. While we continue the search for a suitable site for our store, we can learn from an experienced professional about how to fund building or renovating. We look forward to working with Katie to build the systems and framework for the capital campaign; but most of all, we look forward to working with our fellow owners to implement it! If you are interested in learning how to help with this critical part of the store opening process, reach out to any of us and we would be happy to explain the opportunities in more detail.

FRFC has partnered with the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS, which allows us to accept tax-deductible donations! These donations will help fund start-up costs including building renovations, staff hiring, and consultant fees. Click the link below to visit to donate online (find FRFC in the list, we'll be listed soon!). Or, send us an email to ask about how to make a donation by check.

The Itasca County YMCA "Jeans & Jewels" live auction

Online bidding is closed for this event, BUT the live auction has been rescheduled for Thursday January 13th, at 5:30pm at the Timberlake Lodge! If you don't have tickets yet, they can be purchased at the counter at the YMCA. If you already have tickets, get ready to bid on Free Range Food Co-op's basket containing a pile of amazing foods and goods from local producers who support the co-op, including:

Apothecary Chocolates
Augustyn Artworks: pair of ceramic mugs
Boondock Enterprises: English Lavender Bath and Body Box
Bryndlewood Gardens: two $25 gift certificates
Fideldy's: Honey and Maple Syrup
Hannah Harling: homemade dog treats
Merhar Maple Syrup and Wild Rice
Willow Sedge Farms: 1/4 of Beef

Check out the Visit Grand Rapids website for a downloadable PDF of the Northern Minnesota Sustainability Shopping Map. Created by Girl Scout Sarah Kessler, the map features businesses that support sustainability and feature sustainable brands. Nice work, Sarah!

FRFC Book Club
We're very excited for the latest book selection, which comes highly recommended by many:

"Braiding Sweetgrass:
Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants"
by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Book club is open to everyone! Meeting date TBD. Email Kari for more information:

Grand Rapids Farmer's Market

Online ordering for in-person pick up is available for the winter season! Visit their website for more details and to place an order:


February 2022 Newsletter


November 2021 Newsletter