From the Board

Volunteer with FRFC this year!

SPRING! After 1 full year of COVID, I am sure we are all looking forward to getting out and about a little more than has been possible. We are looking for owners willing to volunteer at public events to tell other residents and visitors to Itasca County about FRFC! You will receive training and we will keep the commitments to 3 hours or less.

Why volunteer?

  • Take tangible steps to grow your co-op and strengthen your community!

  • You get to talk to people about why you want a co-op in Grand Rapids!

  • Meet other people who share your values!

Since site selection is happening as we speak, we need to reach our next goal of 900 owners. The additional revenue from ownership fees will help us purchase the expert services we need. If you can volunteer, please complete the survey below or contact Lois at 218-355-0581 or and let her know you are interested in serving.



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Meeting Minutes